The Sanctity of Human Life
The Bible clearly states that God, having created humankind in His image and established human beings as superior to all other created life, has expressed His sovereign value and high regard for the goodness of human creation (Genesis 1:26-28,31). The Bible also teaches that God alone is both giver and sustainer of all life (Genesis 2:7; Job 31:15; Acts 17:28), that God alone has sovereign power over life and He alone determines its beginning and ending (Psalm 139:13, 16), and that all human life is created expressly for God’s own purpose and will (Jeremiah 1:5; I Corinthians 6:19,20). Therefore every human life is to be valued, respected, nurtured and protected. Every human life is therefore responsible to live in accordance with and in obedience to God and His Word.
Abortion, therefore, constitutes the unjustified and unexcused taking of unborn human life. The Bible clearly teaches that human life begins at conception and that the unborn child is a living human being (Luke 1:41, 44). Any teaching to the contrary, regardless of the social or moral circumstance, is unbiblical and therefore should be rejected. The advent of Jesus Christ as a child, expresses the sanctity and holy nature of God’s gift of life (Luke 1:31, 32, 35). Although many complex and difficult questions concerning abortion for the preservation of life, biomedical research and scientific experimentation confront us, the intentional taking of unborn human life is sin.
Euthanasia is the direct taking of innocent human life by action. God regards as sin the taking of any human life by assistance, disregard, or suicide (Exodus 23:7). God will therefore hold accountable those who deny His sovereign authority over life (2 Corinthians 5:10).
Discontinuing extraordinary medical procedures that constitute over zealous treatment may be viewed as legitimate when the outcome of such actions is left in the Will of God.
The death of any human being is tragic, painful and devastating. Compassion, wisdom and sensitivity are essential when dealing with issues of death. Our human knowledge and understanding of the nature of God is limited, but the Bible is clear: human life is sacred. God, who is eternally just, merciful and gracious has reserved the right, as the Creator of all human life, to determine its natural beginning and end.
God’s Grace and Forgiveness – While we desire to speak clearly on the issue of abortion where our culture has become so confused, we also want to speak just as clearly regarding God’s grace and forgiveness. The Bible teaches us to view abortion and euthanasia as sins with serious consequences, and yet they are sins for which our Lord Jesus died. For those who have had an abortion or have encouraged someone to have an abortion and who also repent and trust in Christ, God offers grace, forgiveness, and healing.
The Bible clearly states that God, having created humankind in His image and established human beings as superior to all other created life, has expressed His sovereign value and high regard for the goodness of human creation (Genesis 1:26-28,31). The Bible also teaches that God alone is both giver and sustainer of all life (Genesis 2:7; Job 31:15; Acts 17:28), that God alone has sovereign power over life and He alone determines its beginning and ending (Psalm 139:13, 16), and that all human life is created expressly for God’s own purpose and will (Jeremiah 1:5; I Corinthians 6:19,20). Therefore every human life is to be valued, respected, nurtured and protected. Every human life is therefore responsible to live in accordance with and in obedience to God and His Word.
Abortion, therefore, constitutes the unjustified and unexcused taking of unborn human life. The Bible clearly teaches that human life begins at conception and that the unborn child is a living human being (Luke 1:41, 44). Any teaching to the contrary, regardless of the social or moral circumstance, is unbiblical and therefore should be rejected. The advent of Jesus Christ as a child, expresses the sanctity and holy nature of God’s gift of life (Luke 1:31, 32, 35). Although many complex and difficult questions concerning abortion for the preservation of life, biomedical research and scientific experimentation confront us, the intentional taking of unborn human life is sin.
Euthanasia is the direct taking of innocent human life by action. God regards as sin the taking of any human life by assistance, disregard, or suicide (Exodus 23:7). God will therefore hold accountable those who deny His sovereign authority over life (2 Corinthians 5:10).
Discontinuing extraordinary medical procedures that constitute over zealous treatment may be viewed as legitimate when the outcome of such actions is left in the Will of God.
The death of any human being is tragic, painful and devastating. Compassion, wisdom and sensitivity are essential when dealing with issues of death. Our human knowledge and understanding of the nature of God is limited, but the Bible is clear: human life is sacred. God, who is eternally just, merciful and gracious has reserved the right, as the Creator of all human life, to determine its natural beginning and end.
God’s Grace and Forgiveness – While we desire to speak clearly on the issue of abortion where our culture has become so confused, we also want to speak just as clearly regarding God’s grace and forgiveness. The Bible teaches us to view abortion and euthanasia as sins with serious consequences, and yet they are sins for which our Lord Jesus died. For those who have had an abortion or have encouraged someone to have an abortion and who also repent and trust in Christ, God offers grace, forgiveness, and healing.